You Are % Mind-Body-Soul Connected
What does this score mean about you?
Your score is based on a connection scale from 0 to 100%. There are 3 main scoring zones. The first zone is below 40%, the second is from 40% to 70% and the third is above 70%.
Your score lies in the third zone.
This means that you have a high mind-body-soul connection. Only a small minority of the world’s population is over 70% connected. Obviously, the higher your score within this zone, the more rare your level of connectedness.
Now what a score in this zone means is that your identity and sense of self are not fully derived from your beliefs, thoughts and emotions like they are for most people. And the higher your score within the zone, the less you experience yourself to be your body or your mind, and the more you experience yourself to be an expanded sense of consciousness or Presence within and beyond your body.
You experience much more calm clarity than most people and can most often disidentify from negative thoughts and emotions by witnessing them from a higher level of consciousness.
While you use your mind, you’re quite aware of its many traps and trust more in your deeper inner knowing and intuition to make decisions. This brings a greater level of balance and harmony into your life than most people experience.
You also experience moments or extended periods of joy, peace and fulfillment on a relatively regular basis.
But your difficulty lies in the fact that a lasting sense of serenity and deep fulfillment still eludes you, and sometimes you find yourself seemingly regressing and experiencing inner resistance or emotional turmoil from unresolved issues from the past.
This brings much pain to you because you know what it feels like to live from a place of clarity, and anything less than that becomes more and more unbearable to you. But, despite your efforts and years of spiritual practice, you’re at a loss for how to finally experience the effortless peace and fulfillment you’re after.
And the thing to understand here is that even if you scored in the middle part of this zone, the biggest transformation actually comes in that last 10% to 15% of connection.
That’s when things become exponential, and the impact on your quality of life becomes very noticeable, as a sense of effortless Presence becomes more and more palpable for you. So those final 10% to 15% is where all the magic happens and the massive impact on your life occurs.
The Surprising Secret to Quickly Increasing Your Mind-Body-Soul Connection
If you want the exponential transformation that leads to a life of effortless presence, peace and deep fulfillment, there’s good news for you.
That’s because there’s a surprising secret to dramatically (and relatively quickly) increasing your mind-body-soul connection, so that you can finally start experiencing what it’s like to live from a highly connected state continually and to hopefully be able to maintain it, instead of constantly feeling like you’re regressing back to lower states of consciousness.
So do you know who some of the most connected people in history are, on a mind-body-soul level?
They’re the elite Japanese Samurai.
But what was their secret? How did they achieve such deep connection?
Well, what very few people know is that the elite Samurai were able to continually be in what’s called, spherical awareness.
This means that instead of their window of perception and sense of self being in their head, behind their eyes, like most people experience, they experienced themselves as an expanded consciousness that is deeply connected to the environment within and around their entire body.
This created a sort of merging of mind, body and soul into a unified field of consciousness that gave them superhuman-like abilities, while creating an aura of unshakable peace and well-being.
Now what if I were to tell you that there are still a few modern day Masters of the Samurai arts, and that one of them has now dedicated his life to helping humanity by teaching people how to access this incredible state of spherical awareness?
And what if I told you that he’s discovered a sort of direct method that gives people the ability to experience this without years of intensive practice? In fact, sometimes in only a matter of hours or days, starting the process of transforming their lives quite rapidly.
Would that interest you?
Well, my name is Ziad Masri, author of the #1 bestselling book, Reality Unveiled, and this Master of 4 different Samurai arts is actually my mentor.
And because it’s one of my life’s callings to help him spread this hidden ancient knowledge, we’ve created a 100% free online workshop about this unique meditation technique.
A technique so radical that it gives you the potential to quickly tap into and maintain zen-like states of being with your eyes wide open as you go about your daily activities.
Whether you’re working, interacting with others, exercising, driving, watching TV… you can be in a profound state of mind-body-soul connection, no matter what your current level of connection is.
It sounds virtually impossible until you’ve actually experienced it.
Now I know you’ve seen free workshops and webinars before, and most of the time they’re just fluff or pure sales pitches where you only learn useful and meaningful information after you buy some expensive product.
Well, I assure you, this is the exact opposite of that. The last thing on this Samurai Master’s mind is making a bunch of money. His purpose is to elevate people’s consciousness, and that’s why this free webinar training event is absolutely FULL of incredibly valuable and practical teachings that can radically impact your life.
It’s not fluff… it’s 2 hours of life-changing teachings.
And so I urge you to take advantage of it by clicking the button below and choosing a timing option that works for your schedule, while we’re still running it.
People are absolutely blown away by what they learn on this unique training event. So don’t miss out on it. It’s 100% free… so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
This kind of opportunity doesn’t come every day, but it’s here for you now. So take it, and see what happens.
“I just watched the webinar and I was simply amazed!” – Charles Christian
“Thank you for the eye-opening, wonderful webinar. I thoroughly enjoyed it!” – Lorraine Kenworthy
“Thank you for your illuminating explanation of this form of meditation.” – Astrid Martens
“If I had only known how to meditate like this long ago, I’m sure I wouldn’t still be suffering.” – Jimmy Wabuyi